
By default, MATLAB and Python cannot locate ISSM and external packages. We demonstrate here how to remedy this.


NOTE: There does not currently exist a method for starting MATLAB from the GUI with ISSM loaded.

Before starting MATLAB, you will need to run:

source $ISSM_DIR/etc/

from the command line. This will modify certain environment variables so that ISSM and external packages are available to other programs.

As noted in our compilation instructions, it may be easiest to simply add this to your shell configuration file:

  • ~/.bashrc or ~/.zshrc
export ISSM_DIR=<ISSMPATH> source $ISSM_DIR/etc/
  • ~/.cshrc
setenv ISSM_DIR <ISSMPATH> source $ISSM_DIR/etc/environment.csh

where <ISSMPATH> is the path to the ISSM parent directory (e.g. /home/<user>/svn/issm/trunk).

Once MATLAB is started, you must tell it where to find ISSM and external libraries by running:

addpath <ISSMPATH>/bin <ISSMPATH>/lib

You can verify that ISSM works by executing:


You should get a message similar to:

Ice-sheet and Sea-level System Model (ISSM) Version 4.22 (website: Build date: Wed Sep 18 14:00:06 PDT 2023 Copyright (c) 2009-2023 California Institute of Technology to get started type: issmdoc

You can avoid having to run the addpath command every time MATLAB is started by creating an alias for MATLAB in your shell configuration file:

alias matlab='matlab -r "addpath ${ISSM_DIR}/bin ${ISSM_DIR}/lib"'


In Python, you can add ISSM's function to the current path with the following command:

import os import sys sys.path.append(os.getenv('ISSM_DIR') + '/bin') sys.path.append(os.getenv('ISSM_DIR') + '/lib')

You can verify that ISSM works by executing:

from issmversion import issmversion

You should get a message similar to this:

Ice-sheet and Sea-level System Model (ISSM) Version 4.22 (website: Build date: Wed Sep 18 14:00:06 PDT 2023 Copyright (c) 2009-2023 California Institute of Technology


Developers use the MATLAB and Python scripts in $ISSM_DIR/src/m instead of $ISSM_DIR/bin. As such, we need to modify the paths a bit differently.


Again, run:

source $ISSM_DIR/etc/

from the command line, then run following in MATLAB:

addpath <ISSMDIR>/src/m/dev devpath

where <ISSMPATH> is the path to the ISSM parent directory.

Alternatively, you can start MATLAB from the command line with:

matlab -r "addpath ${ISSM_DIR}/src/m/dev; devpath;"


Before starting Python, run the following on the command line:


For IPython users, launch the interface with:

ipython -i ${ISSM_DIR}/src/m/dev/

NOTE: When compiling ISSM, the following option should be added to the configuration script ($ISSM_DIR/ to prevent MATLAB and Python scripts from being added to $ISSM_DIR/bin:
