Inverse Methods


  • Learn how to use the model to invert for ice rigidity (B) and basal friction from surface velocities
  • Being able to choose the right cost functions, with the right weights
  • Understand the limitations of inversions


Several model input parameters, such as the ice rigidity LaTeX equation (md.materials.rheology_B) and basal friction LaTeX equation (md.friction.coefficient), are difficult to measure remotely and are critical controls on ice dynamics.

To get a good guess of what these parameters are, we use inversions. Inversions consist in inferring unknown parameters using additional observations. Here, we use surface velocities to infer our unknown input parameters, by minimizing the misfit between the observed and modeled velocities.

For example, our cost function could be:

LaTeX equation

And so we would optimize our unknown model input to minimize the cost function LaTeX equation.

Inversions where first introduced to glaciology by [MacAyeal1993a] for an SSA model, and extended since to 3D models for other model parameters.

To illustrate this method, we are going to perform a twin experiment. We give ourselves a rigidity field (B) and use the modeled velocities as synthetic observation in a second run, where we start from another initial rigidity field, and see if we can recover the rigidity field that was used to generate the observations.

Hands on 1 (ice rigidity, B)

Step 1: Generating Observations

First, go to trunk/examples/Inversion/ and start MATLAB. We will start by creating a new model and generate our synthetic observations. Open the runme.m and ensure that step=1 at the top of the file. Execute this first step:

>> runme

You will see on the left our prescribed rigidity, LaTeX equation, and to the right the calculated velocities. We choose a pattern with 2 distinct values for LaTeX equation for the upper left region, and stiffer ice for the lower right, with a sharp transition.


In the next step, we our going to change the rigidity to something uniform, use our previously calculated velocities (from step 1) as observations, and see if we can recover that initial pattern that was used to generate the observations.

Step 2: Initial guess and initial velocity

We now change the rigidity, LaTeX equation, and make it uniform. The results of the previous step are taken as observations (but we will only use them in step 3). Open runme.m and set step=2. Save the file and execute step 2 in MATLAB as above.


We now see that the left panel is constant, and the velocity is symmetrical. This is our initial guess for LaTeX equation and our initial modeled velocity. In the next step, we are going to tune LaTeX equation, so that the modeled velocity is as close as possible to the velocity of step 1.

Step 3: inverting for B

We perform here the inversion of LaTeX equation. Open runme.m and set the step as step=3.


The general pattern is right (stiffer ice in the lower right), but it is noisy. Inverse problems are ill-posed: a solution might not exist, might not be unique, and might not depend continuously on input data. One of the consequences is that the inferred pattern for LaTeX equation is not smooth, and these wiggles are not physical. Adding regularization that penalizes wiggles in the control parameter stabilizes the inversion.

Step 4: Adding regularization

Here, we would like to add a term of regularization to our cost function:

LaTeX equation

The second term, known as Tikhonov regularization, penalizes strong gradients in LaTeX equation. Since the inversion tries to minimize our cost function LaTeX equation, the optimization algorithm will try to also reduce the second term.

LaTeX equation and LaTeX equation are the weights associated to each component of the cost function. To have more regularization, one should increase LaTeX equation (or decrease LaTeX equation), and vice versa.

Set step=4 in the runme.m file and execute it. Your results should now look like this:


We successfully reconstructed the pattern of ice rigidity, but we could not capture the sharp transition between high and low rigidity because of the regularization that we had to introduce to stabilize the inversion.

Hands on 2 (friction)

We would like to do the same twin experiment here, but invert for basal friction of a grounded glacier. Here, you are going to make additions and/or modifications to the runme.m script as described below.

Changes to step 1

  1. The mask is now all grounded
  2. Increase bed (md.geometry.base) and surface elevation (md.geometry.surface) by 100 meters
  3. LaTeX equation (md.materials.rheology_B) is now uniform = 1.8x108
  4. Friction coefficient: 50, and 10 for 400,000<x<600,000
  5. change the plotmodel command and plot md.friction.coefficient instead, between 0 and 100.

After running step 1 again, you should get the following figure.


If you don't, then double check your changes before looking at the solutions below. We are modeling here a glacier flowing over a region where there is a lot of sliding. We want to see if the inversion can reconstruct this region of low friction.

Solutions to step 1 (MATLAB)

%Generate observations md = model; md = triangle(md,'DomainOutline.exp',100000); %CHANGES START md = setmask(md,'',''); %CHANGES END md = parameterize(md,'Square.par'); %CHANGES START md.geometry.base=md.geometry.base+100; md.geometry.surface=md.geometry.surface+100; md.materials.rheology_B(:)=1.8e8; md.friction.coefficient(:)=50; pos=find(md.mesh.x>400e3 & md.mesh.x<600e3); md.friction.coefficient(pos)=10; %CHANGES END md = setflowequation(md,'SSA','all'); md.cluster = generic('np',2); md = solve(md,'Stressbalance'); %CHANGES START plotmodel(md,'axis#all','tight','data',md.friction.coefficient,'caxis',[0 100],'title','"True" coef',... 'data',md.results.StressbalanceSolution.Vel,'title','"observed velocities"') %CHANGES END save model1 md

Solutions to step 1 (Python)

import numpy as np from model import * from setmask import setmask from parameterize import parameterize from setflowequation import setflowequation from generic import generic from solve import solve from plotmodel import plotmodel from export_netCDF import export_netCDF from m1qn3inversion import m1qn3inversion from verbose import verbose from loadmodel import loadmodel from cuffey import cuffey steps = [5] Clims = [1.3 * 1e8, 1.9 * 1e8] if 1 in steps: #Generate observations md = model() md = triangle(md, 'DomainOutline.exp', 100000) #CHANGES START md = setmask(md, '', '') #CHANGES END md = parameterize(md, '') #CHANGES START md.geometry.base = md.geometry.base + 100. md.geometry.surface = md.geometry.surface + 100. md.friction.coefficient[:] = 50 pos = np.nonzero(np.logical_and(md.mesh.x > 400e3, md.mesh.x < 600e3)) md.friction.coefficient[pos] = 10 #CHANGES END md = setflowequation(md, 'SSA', 'all') md.cluster = generic('np', 2) md = solve(md, 'Stressbalance') #CHANGES START plotmodel(md, 'axis#all', 'tight', 'data', md.friction.coefficient, 'caxis', [0, 100], 'title', '"True" coef', 'data', md.results.StressbalanceSolution.Vel, 'title', '"observed velocities"') #CHANGES END export_netCDF(md, '') if 2 in steps: #Modify rheology, now constant md = loadmodel('') md.materials.rheology_B[:] = 1.8 * 1e8 #results of previous run are taken as observations md.inversion = m1qn3inversion() md.inversion.vx_obs = md.results.StressbalanceSolution.Vx md.inversion.vy_obs = md.results.StressbalanceSolution.Vy md.inversion.vel_obs = md.results.StressbalanceSolution.Vel #CHANGES START md.friction.coefficient[:] = 50 #CHANGES END md = solve(md, 'Stressbalance') #CHANGES START plotmodel(md, 'axis#all', 'tight', 'data', md.friction.coefficient, 'caxis', [0, 100], 'title', '"True" coef', 'data', md.results.StressbalanceSolution.Vel, 'title', '"observed velocities"') #CHANGES END export_netCDF(md, '') if 3 in steps: #invert for ice rigidity md = loadmodel('') #Set up inversion parameters maxsteps = 20 md.inversion.iscontrol = 1 #CHANGES START md.inversion.control_parameters = ['FrictionCoefficient'] #CHANGES END md.inversion.maxsteps = maxsteps md.inversion.cost_functions = [101] md.inversion.cost_functions_coefficients = np.ones((md.mesh.numberofvertices, 1)) #CHANGES START md.inversion.min_parameters = np.ones((md.mesh.numberofvertices, 1)) md.inversion.max_parameters = 100. * np.ones((md.mesh.numberofvertices, 1)) #CHANGES END #Go solve! md.verbose = verbose(0) md = solve(md, 'Stressbalance') #CHANGES START plotmodel(md, 'axis#all', 'tight', 'data', md.results.StressbalanceSolution.FrictionCoefficient, 'caxis', [0, 100], 'title', '"True" coef', 'data', md.results.StressbalanceSolution.Vel, 'title', '"observed velocities"') #CHANGES END if 4 in steps: #invert for ice rigidity md = loadmodel('') #Set up inversion parameters maxsteps = 20 md.inversion.iscontrol = 1 md.inversion.control_parameters = ['FrictionCoefficient'] md.inversion.maxsteps = maxsteps #CHANGES START md.inversion.cost_functions = [101, 103] md.inversion.cost_functions_coefficients = np.ones((md.mesh.numberofvertices, 2)) md.inversion.cost_functions_coefficients[:, 0] = 3000 md.inversion.cost_functions_coefficients[:, 1] = 1 #CHANGES END md.inversion.min_parameters = np.ones((md.mesh.numberofvertices, 1)) md.inversion.max_parameters = 100. * np.ones((md.mesh.numberofvertices, 1)) #Go solve! md.verbose = verbose(0) md = solve(md, 'Stressbalance') #CHANGES START plotmodel(md, 'axis#all', 'tight', 'data', md.results.StressbalanceSolution.FrictionCoefficient, 'caxis', [0, 100], 'title', '"True" coef', 'data', md.results.StressbalanceSolution.Vel, 'title', '"observed velocities"') #CHANGES END if 5 in steps: #invert for ice rigidity md = loadmodel('') #Set up inversion parameters maxsteps = 20 md.inversion.iscontrol = 1 md.inversion.control_parameters = ['FrictionCoefficient'] md.inversion.maxsteps = maxsteps #CHANGES START md.inversion.cost_functions = [101, 103, 501] md.inversion.cost_functions_coefficients = np.ones((md.mesh.numberofvertices, 3)) #CHANGES END md.inversion.cost_functions_coefficients[:, 0] = 3000 md.inversion.cost_functions_coefficients[:, 1] = 1 #CHANGES START md.inversion.cost_functions_coefficients[:, 2] = 0.01 #CHANGES END md.inversion.min_parameters = np.ones((md.mesh.numberofvertices, 1)) md.inversion.max_parameters = 100. * np.ones((md.mesh.numberofvertices, 1)) #Go solve! md.verbose = verbose(0) md = solve(md, 'Stressbalance') plotmodel(md, 'axis#all', 'tight', 'data', md.results.StressbalanceSolution.FrictionCoefficient, 'caxis', [0, 100], 'title', 'inferred B', 'data', md.results.StressbalanceSolution.Vel, 'title', 'modeled velocities')

Changes to step 2

For step 2, we now want to set our new first guess for the basal friction to a uniform value.

  1. set the friction (md.friction.coefficient) to a uniform value of 50
  2. change the plotmodel command and plot md.friction.coefficient instead, between 0 and 100.

After running step 2, you should get the following figure:


if you don't, double check your changes. As you can see, the velocity does not show any fast flowing ice stream in the center of the domain, as expected since the friction is uniform.

Solutions to step 2

%Modify rheology, now constant loadmodel('model1.mat'); md.materials.rheology_B(:) = 1.8*10^8; %results of previous run are taken as observations md.inversion=m1qn3inversion(); md.inversion.vx_obs = md.results.StressbalanceSolution.Vx; md.inversion.vy_obs = md.results.StressbalanceSolution.Vy; md.inversion.vel_obs = md.results.StressbalanceSolution.Vel; %CHANGES START md.friction.coefficient(:)=50; %CHANGES END md = solve(md,'Stressbalance'); %CHANGES START plotmodel(md,'axis#all','tight','data',md.friction.coefficient,'caxis',[0 100],'title','coeff first guess',... 'data',md.results.StressbalanceSolution.Vel,'title','modeled velocities') %CHANGES END save model2 md

Changes to step 3

We now want to invert for basal friction and see if we can reconstruct the zone of sliding. We need to change what we are inverting for, and change the optimization parameters:

  • We now invert for 'FrictionCoefficient'
  • Do we keep the same cost function? yes for now...
  • We want the parameter to be between 1 and 100

After running step 3, you should get the following figure:


if you don't, the solutions are as follows,

Solutions to step 3

%invert for ice rigidity loadmodel('model2.mat'); %Set up inversion parameters maxsteps = 20; md.inversion.iscontrol = 1; %CHANGES START md.inversion.control_parameters = {'FrictionCoefficient'}; %CHANGES END md.inversion.maxsteps = maxsteps; md.inversion.cost_functions = 101; md.inversion.cost_functions_coefficients = ones(md.mesh.numberofvertices,1); %CHANGES START md.inversion.min_parameters = ones(md.mesh.numberofvertices,1); md.inversion.max_parameters = 100*ones(md.mesh.numberofvertices,1); %CHANGES END %Go solve! md.verbose=verbose(0); md=solve(md,'Stressbalance'); %CHANGES START plotmodel(md,'axis#all','tight','data',md.results.StressbalanceSolution.FrictionCoefficient,'caxis',[0 100],'title','inferred coeff',... 'data',md.results.StressbalanceSolution.Vel,'title','modeled velocities') %CHANGES END

As you can see, we get more sliding close to the front, but the rest of the domain is unchanged. That's because when we look at the velocity (right), it does capture the fast spot close to the front, so in terms of cost function, the inversion did a great job in matching the observation. But if we look at the log of the velocity (note, we are adding one to avoid log(0)):

plotmodel(md,'data',md.inversion.vel_obs+1,'data',md.results.StressbalanceSolution.Vel+1,'log#all',10,'caxis#all',[1 400])

we clearly see the zone of fast sliding in the observations but not in the results from the inversion. So we need to change the cost function to add this information, we not only want the square of the difference between modeled and observed velocities to be minimized, we also want their logs to be minimized.

Changing the cost function

We want the cost function to include an additional term:

LaTeX equation

This page lists all the cost function available. We want here the cost function to include the absolute and relative misfits. Typing in MATLAB md.inversion will give you the numbers associated to these cost function: [101,103]. We also need to determine the weights associated to each cost function: LaTeX equation and LaTeX equation. As a rule of thumb, it is generally preferable if the two components have the same order of magnitude at the end of the optimization. You can try with LaTeX equation and run the inversion, look at their contribution at the end of the inversion and increase (or decrease) LaTeX equation. You need to change the following in step 3:

  1. We now want the cost functions 101 and 103
  2. the coefficients applied to each component of the cost functions has 2 columns (since there are 2 components)
  3. We want to increase LaTeX equation to 3000

You should get the following results:


The solutions are below if you don't have the same figure. We now successfully reconstructed the zone of sliding! But again, the pattern is a little bit noisy, and we are going to add regularization.

Solutions to step 3b

%invert for ice rigidity loadmodel('model2.mat'); %Set up inversion parameters maxsteps = 20; md.inversion.iscontrol = 1; md.inversion.control_parameters = {'FrictionCoefficient'}; md.inversion.maxsteps = maxsteps; %CHANGES START md.inversion.cost_functions = [101 103]; md.inversion.cost_functions_coefficients = ones(md.mesh.numberofvertices,2); md.inversion.cost_functions_coefficients(:,1)=3000; md.inversion.cost_functions_coefficients(:,2)=1; %CHANGES END md.inversion.min_parameters = ones(md.mesh.numberofvertices,1); md.inversion.max_parameters = 100*ones(md.mesh.numberofvertices,1); %Go solve! md.verbose=verbose(0); md=solve(md,'Stressbalance'); %CHANGES START plotmodel(md,'axis#all','tight','data',md.results.StressbalanceSolution.FrictionCoefficient,'caxis',[0 100],'title','inferred coeff',... 'data',md.results.StressbalanceSolution.Vel,'title','modeled velocities') %CHANGES END

Adding regularization

We want the cost function to include a regularization term:

LaTeX equation

You need to change the following in step 3:

  1. We now want the cost functions 101, 103 and 501
  2. the coefficients applied to each component of the cost functions has 3 columns (since there are 3 components)
  3. We want to set LaTeX equation to 0.01

You should get the following results:


The zone of sliding is captured and the inferred friction is smooth!

Solutions to step 3c

%invert for ice rigidity loadmodel('model2.mat'); %Set up inversion parameters maxsteps = 20; md.inversion.iscontrol = 1; md.inversion.control_parameters = {'FrictionCoefficient'}; md.inversion.maxsteps = maxsteps; %CHANGES START md.inversion.cost_functions = [101 103 501]; md.inversion.cost_functions_coefficients = ones(md.mesh.numberofvertices,3); %CHANGES END md.inversion.cost_functions_coefficients(:,1)=3000; md.inversion.cost_functions_coefficients(:,2)=1; %CHANGES START md.inversion.cost_functions_coefficients(:,3)=0.01; %CHANGES END md.inversion.min_parameters = ones(md.mesh.numberofvertices,1); md.inversion.max_parameters = 100*ones(md.mesh.numberofvertices,1); %Go solve! md.verbose=verbose(0); md=solve(md,'Stressbalance'); plotmodel(md,'axis#all','tight','data',md.results.StressbalanceSolution.FrictionCoefficient,'caxis',[0 100],'title','inferred coeff',... 'data',md.results.StressbalanceSolution.Vel,'title','modeled velocities')


  • D. R. MacAyeal. A tutorial on the use of control methods in ice-sheet modeling. J. Glaciol., 39(131):91-98, 1993.