Jakobshavn Isbrae tutorial


  • Construct a 2-dimensional model of Jakobshavn-Isbræ, West Greenland
  • Follow a simple tutorial exercise: create and parametrize an ISSM model
  • Use ISSM to invert for a basal friction parameter on a real-world domain

Change into trunk/examples/Jakobshavn/ to do this tutorial.


In this tutorial, we construct a 2-dimensional model of Jakobshavn-Isbræ, West Greenland, and use it to invert for the basal friction parameter.


For this tutorial, we will use a dataset from the SeaRISE Initiative: Greenland_5km_v1.2.nc. This data should be saved in the examples/Data directory (see dataset download).

runme file

The runme.m file in trunk/examples/Jakobshavn/ is a list of commands to be run in sequence at the MATLAB command prompt. The tutorial is decomposed into 4 steps:

  1. Mesh generation (anisotropic adaptation)
  2. Model parameterization (using the SeaRISE dataset)
  3. Launch of the inversion for basal friction
  4. Plotting of the results

We will follow these steps one by one by changing the selected step at the top in runme.m.

Step 1: Mesh generation

Open runme.m and make sure that the first step is activated:

steps = [1];

In the first step, we create a triangle mesh with 2,000 meter resolution using the domain outline file Domain.exp. We then interpolate the observed velocity data onto the newly-created mesh. We use these observations to refine the mesh accordingly using bamg. In regions of fast flow we apply 1,200 m resolution, and in slow flowing areas we increase the resolution to up to 15 km:


Go to trunk/ and launch MATLAB and then go to examples/Jakobshavn/:

$ cd $ISSM_DIR $ matlab >> cd examples/Jakobshavn/

Then execute the first step:

>> runme Step 1: Mesh creation Anisotropic mesh adaptation WARNING: mesh present but no geometry found. Reconstructing... new number of triangles = 3017

Step 2: Model parameterization

In this step parameterize the model. We set for example the geometry and ice material parameters. We use the setmask command to define grounded and floating areas. All ice is considered grounded for now. Type help setmask to display documentation on how to use this command. The model is then parameterized using the Jks.par file. We soften the glacier's shear margins by reducing the model's ice hardness, LaTeX equation, in the area outlined by WeakB.exp to a factor 0.3.

Open runme.m and make sure that the second step is activated: steps = [2];

>> runme Step 2: Parameterization Loading SeaRISE data from NetCDF Interpolating thicknesses Interpolating bedrock topography Constructing surface elevation Interpolating velocities Interpolating temperatures Interpolating surface mass balance Construct basal friction parameters Construct ice rheological properties Set other boundary conditions boundary conditions for stressbalance model: spc set as observed velocities no smb.precipitation specified: values set as zero no basalforcings.melting_rate specified: values set as zero no balancethickness.thickening_rate specified: values set as zero

Step 3: Control method

In the parameterization step, we applied a uniform friction coefficient of 30. Here, we use the basal friction coefficient as a control so that the modelled surface velocities match the observed ones. The mismatch between observation and modelled surface velocities is quantified by the value of a cost function. The type of cost function determines to a large degree the result of the inversion process. Different cost functions are available, type md.inversion to see a list of available cost functions:

Available cost functions: 101: SurfaceAbsVelMisfit 102: SurfaceRelVelMisfit 103: SurfaceLogVelMisfit 104: SurfaceLogVxVyMisfit 105: SurfaceAverageVelMisfit 201: ThicknessAbsMisfit 501: DragCoefficientAbsGradient 502: RheologyBbarAbsGradient 503: ThicknessAbsGradient

Inverting for basal drag, we can use the cost functions that start with a 1. The cost functions can be combined and weighted individually:

%Cost functions md.inversion.cost_functions=[101 103]; md.inversion.cost_functions_coefficients=ones(md.mesh.numberofvertices,2); md.inversion.cost_functions_coefficients(:,1)=40; md.inversion.cost_functions_coefficients(:,2)=1;

Our cost function is thus the sum of ``SurfaceAbsVelMisfit'', the absolute of the velocity misfit, and ``SurfaceLogVelMisfit'', the logarithm of the velocity misfit. We weigh the first cost function 40 times more than the latter one.

Open runme.m , make sure that the third step is activated (steps = [3];), then run runme.m:

>> runme Step 3: Control method friction checking model consistency marshalling file Jakobshavn.bin uploading input file and queueing script launching solution sequence on remote cluster Launching solution sequence call computational core: preparing initial solution control method step 1/20 ....

Step 4: Display results

Here, we display the results. Open runme.m and make sure that step number 4 is activated. Your results should look like this:
